Please respect and adhere to the following rules to ensure that the Lakes can be continually enjoyed by all.
Gates open at 6.30am and close at 6:30pm. No Admittance before or after these times.
Day Fisherman must finish fishing and be leaving the lakes by 6:30pm.
ALL fishing MUST be booked in advanced on this site.
Anyone 16 years or younger MUST be accompanied by a responsible adult.
Maximum two rods per angler
Fish Care must be carried and used at all times.
No bait boats, excessive alcohol, drugs, camp fires or BBQS at any time. Calor gas stoves allowed.
Please use litter bins & toilet facilities provided.
All matches and numbers must be confirmed by phone at least one week before the date.
Only one non fishing guest to one paying angler and only one angler per swim.
No rod to be left unattended at any times.
Unhooking mats at all times. Failure to have one will result in you being asked to leave.
If any ‘damaged’ fish are caught please retain and call the bailiff
The owners reserve the right to ask anybody causing a disturbance to leave. No refunds will be given.
Anyone over the age of 12 fishing fresh waters in England or Wales must have a valid Environment Agency Rod Licence. These are occasionally checked by Environment Agency representatives.